Professional teambuilding

Empowering Growth: Engaging in Transformative Social-Emotional Learning Practices

social emotional learning practices in action

For Students & Educators

Join us to Unlock Your Potential: Enhance Team-Building and Master Social-Emotional Learning.


Our programs prioritize Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) and help you to develop essential team-building skills. We offer customized one-day training and ongoing programs for students, advisory groups, physical education for school collaboratives, and those seeking opportunities during out-of-school and recess time. Our goal is to help you cultivate competencies in communication, leadership, and a growth mindset. Embark on a transformative journey today to improve your social and emotional learning capabilities and thrive in all areas of life.


Socio Emotional Learning based team building

Professional Development for Educators

Divergent Team Builders offers professional development training that focuses on integrating social and emotional learning practices. Our approach involves providing experiential learning activities that can be practically applied throughout the school day. We aim to empower system-wide and collective leadership initiatives. Our training is available to general education teachers, administrators, physical education instructors, and specialists, either at schools or on-site.

Participating in our training can have a positive impact on your school’s culture, build stronger relationships, and improve the teaching and learning of social and emotional skills. Our workshops and professional development programs combine social and emotional learning with exciting adventure-based activities. Through these engaging sessions, we teach important concepts and principles using effective teaching methods, creating a safe and dynamic learning environment for your students.

Discover the benefits of team-building sessions that focus on Socio-Emotional Learning, which can be customized to suit your needs. We offer workshops that last half a day or multi-session programs that provide a thorough and engaging learning experience. These sessions can be held in your classroom or on your school campus. We invite you to join us in unleashing the full potential of social and emotional learning in your educational environment.

  • DTB offers a range of social and emotional learning products, which includes consultancy services for implementing SEL in educational institutions. We provide consultation, training, and evaluation measures that align with system-wide goals and initiatives to assess the effectiveness and sustainability of SEL.
  • Our teacher training utilizes unique adventure-based facilitation and debriefing techniques to teach how to integrate Social Emotional Practices into your Curriculum. Additionally, we offer optional training for consultancy on peer coaching and observation.
  • Our school curriculum is carefully crafted to involve students in activities that are hands-on and designed to help them develop in a sequence that is appropriate for their age. Our program is flexible, allowing for a year-long or modular approach. Our curriculum is specifically designed to focus on socio-emotional competencies and includes weekly to monthly lessons that are 45 minutes long.

Serving School Groups and its Educators

DTB aims to enhance students’ academic achievement and school community by incorporating adventure and team-building programs that focus on Social and Emotional Learning.

At DTB, Self-awareness, Self-management, Social Awareness, Relationship Skills, and Responsible decision-making are all connected to Social Emotional Learning. That’s why our activities are designed to improve all of these competencies.

Our social-emotional learning activities are structured to follow a developmental sequence that can be used throughout the year or broken up into modules. They are perfect for a class or advisory program that aims to tackle these important topics.


Program Details

SEL Curriculum

Community Building

  • Getting to Know One Another
  • Finding Connection and Commonality
  • Full Value and Challenge By Choice
  • Developing Group Norms

Trust Sequence I, II, III, IV

Goal Setting

  • Kaizen: The Art of Continual Improvement
  • Setting Behavioral Goals
  • Evaluating Goals and Setting Long-Term Goals


  • Effective Communication Principles
  • Expressing Emotions
  • Giving and Receiving Feedback

Problem Solving

  • Individual Contributions to Group Success
  • Introduce ABCDE Model (Ask – Brainstorm – Choose – Do it – Evaluate)
  • Applying ABCDE Model

Defining Teamwork

  • How I (and others) Contribute to Our Team
  • Performing as a Team
  • Decision Making
  • Competition Vs. Cooperation
  • Efficiency and Effectiveness
  • Celebrate Highlights

Healthy Relationships

  • Awareness of Personal Qualities
  • Consensus
  • Empathy
  • Negotiation


  • What is Leadership?
  • Leadership and Followership

access untapped strengths

Skill Development

Students will engage in Social Emotional Learning activities that focus on team-building as part of their learning journey. These activities will be sequenced and designed to improve their SEL skills and competencies. Each month, students will work towards achieving new goals and objectives while building upon what they learned in previous lessons. The skills and competencies that students will develop through these activities are diverse.

Immediate Outcomes

In our classroom, students actively participate in group activities and express themselves respectfully and appropriately. They demonstrate positive attitudes towards themselves and others, setting personal and group goals. Each student is encouraged to choose their level of challenge for each activity and give and receive constructive feedback. Problem-solving and conflict-resolution strategies are emphasized. Students also develop an awareness of their strengths and qualities, verbalizing how their behavior affects group success. They recognize how the efforts of group members contribute to overall success, fostering a sense of classroom community, trust, and support.

Mid-term Outcomes

Students will develop the following Social Emotional competencies and personal assets for self-improvement:

– Self-awareness 

– Healthy relationships 

– Communication 

– Goal setting 

– Problem-solving 

– Decision making 

– Conflict resolution 

– Building trust 

– Leadership 

– Healthy risk-taking


By participating in Social Emotional Learning-based team building activities, students can develop a deeper connection to their classroom and school community. These activities can also help students learn how to manage their emotions, thoughts, and actions in a positive and ethical way, which can lead to success both in school and in life. Ultimately, these team building exercises can help students develop a sense of respect for their community members and enhance their overall ability to handle developmental tasks.

Background & Theory

Experiential Learning happens when learners actively engage in concrete activities followed by reflection.

Students collaboratively develop a Full Value Contract, group norms that establish an atmosphere of caring, feeling valued, and feeling connected.

By valuing everyone’s ability and right to choose their level of participation, Challenge By Choice promotes student engagement and autonomy.

As the group becomes empowered, the locus of control shifts from the leader to the students.

Team building activities can create a climate of change for students, allowing them to practice new behaviors in a supportive environment.

Research shows that including ongoing social and emotional development programs in a school setting positively affects academic achievement.

Transforming school culture and motivating students to become positive change agents

What are the benefits of using SEL-based team building programs?

Fostering Values in Action: Empowering Students through Socio-Emotional Learning-based Team-Building Programming

Many schools strive to instill values and teach important concepts through character education programs and life skills classes. However, teachers often seek ways to move beyond mere discussion and encourage students to embody values such as peace, justice, and cooperation. This is where Socio-Emotional Learning-based team-building programming comes in, offering researched and proven approaches.

By bringing practices from the realms of outdoor education and experiential learning into the classroom, Social & Emotional Learning-based team-building programming transforms school culture and motivates students to delve into self-discovery, build strong communities, and become catalysts for positive change. This approach helps schools establish emotionally safe, respectful, and inclusive environments where students can fully realize their potential through engaging in experiential activities that provide insights into the behaviors necessary for achieving goals. These activities and challenges are designed as progressive lessons, drawing upon participants’ social, cognitive, and physical abilities.

In today’s digital age, peer interactions extend beyond school hours, with social media playing a significant role. However, this technological connectedness is juxtaposed with reports of unprecedented levels of isolation, anxiety, depression, and stress among young people. Recognizing that adolescents spend a considerable portion of their waking hours in school, SELTB firmly believes that schools have the potential to counteract this isolation, disconnection, and stress. By creating opportunities for face-to-face connections, students can learn about their individual talents, needs, and experiences, fostering empathy and serving as effective antidotes to hostility and stereotyping.

For educators and principals, cultivating a positive school climate is paramount as it creates optimal conditions for learning, growth, and transformation. Research consistently confirms that people learn best when they feel safe and connected. The Socio-Emotional Learning Center collaborates with educators and administrators from schools across New York City to strengthen and redesign school-wide systems that support students, faculty, and parents. Through SEL classes and lessons, students embark on a journey of self-discovery and understanding of others, resulting in more compassionate and inclusive communities.

Other Services


SEL based Team building

SEL based Team building activities are facilitated by experienced experiential education practitioners primarily in school settings.


Team building programs

Fun and fast-paced, participants will engage in increasingly difficult challenges, each one preceded by brief yet powerful group discussions.


Team building expeditions

Our Team Expeditions inspire teams to think differently, act differently, and access untapped strengths to create lasting positive change.


Enhance your organization’s ethos and enhance productivity through tailored team-building programs that foster enduring, fulfilling, and sustainable achievements. We’re eager to learn about your goals, roll our sleeves, and design your program.

